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Update-December 2018
December 12, 2018

President's Perspective

Fellow Members:

With the rush to holidays and year-end, I will be brief. 

The SER nominating committee has been meeting this month to nominate three members for the director positions that will open next year as well as a president-elect. The nominees will be presented to the Board of Directors at its mid-January meeting in Dallas, and will be voted on by the membership at the summer meeting.

In addition to approving nominees for election, the Board will consider other proposals so please forward your ideas about where SER should be going, what it should be doing, and how we should be doing it to me, David Keough, the president-elect, or any board member with whom you feel comfortable. Our goal is to be membership driven.

You may have seen our second advertisement in the Update:ARBcheck, published by Securities Arbitration Commentator (“SAC”), ran this week. As I mentioned in a previous letter, the Public Relations Committee has been active in developing a marketing plan to raise awareness about SER and the quality of its members. Advertising with SAC is but one of several projects the committee has undertaken. The Update:ARBcheck email is sent out to a targeted audience of over 3,000. Website traffice listed below shows both "Number of Visits" and "Pages Viewed" for October were the highest this year. "Unique Visitors" for that month were the highest since January. We will continue to monitor traffic.

And finally, I wish all of you joy and most importantly, peace in your holiday celebrations. May your families and you be well.


Save the Date 2019

Next year's Annual Meeting & Conference August 2nd & 3rd, 2019 Saint Paul Hotel, Saint Paul, Minnesota.


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