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Recent News from the Arbitration Front-October 2019
November 1, 2019

WHAT ARE THE COURTS (AND ARBITRATORS) THINKING? Contributor: George H. Friedman ( The Expert's Examiner publishes on a quarterly basis the “Expert Opinions” column, which follows recent items of interest on how courts value, view and utilize testifying experts, how one can better serve the fact-finder and more effectively help the client, and more likely avoid a bad experience. It also publishes “Recent News from the Arbitration Front,” which follows recent items of interest to securities experts and relating to arbitration practice. Items for both columns are drawn from the past quarter's editions of the Securities Arbitration Alert (“SAA”), and the Securities Online Litigation Alert (“SOLA”), publications of the Securities Arbitration Commentator and appear with the permission of SAC's publisher. Going forward, these columns will be compiled by the Securities Arbitration Alert’s new Editor-in-Chief, George H. Friedman. Three months is a long time to wait between columns, so we are introducing a new feature: on a monthly basis we will publish in the “Newsroom” section short blurbs on court cases, awards, and articles of interest that are candidates for possible coverage in SOLA or the SAA. Here is the first installment.


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