The Expert's Examiner

December 31, 2024

Contributors: Practice Management Committee members/Veteran SER Members (ed: Helpful tips from seasoned experts relating to operating a successful expert practice.)

by Alan Besnoff (

Perhaps one of the best practice management tips I can offer is to use the practice management resources available to SER members. One of those resources is the "Practice Management Tips" found in previous editions of The Expert’s Examiner. Below is a sampling of the many valuable practice management tips contributed by SER members:

Practice Management skills are an important component to a successful expert witness practice. I urge members to take a few moments to review the many practice management tips provided in past newsletters, all of which can be found on the Newsletter tab of our website.

I also encourage members to take advantage of other benefits available exclusively to SER members. Log on to Your Account page on the SER website and access the Library to view past webcasts, articles, sample retainer agreements, conference materials, practice management Q&As, etc. You can also submit your own anonymous Practice Management question. Be on the lookout for new PM tips via the newsletter, webcasts, questions, etc!