Apply for Membership and create your member profile

Fill out this form to create your member profile and send us this information so we can consider your membership.
Fields with bold names are required.

Your Login Information
Your e-mail address
Create your Password
Enter your password again
Your Contact Information
Your Last Name
Your Full Name
As you want it displayed on this site
Your Titles
Your work phone
Your cell phone
Your Company Name
Your Title
Your address
City, State Zip ,
Your web site address (URL) http:// 
Your LinkedIn URL http:// 
Your YouTube URL http:// 
Any other contact info you want displayed in your profile. Note that your email address will always be displayed.
Use a JPG, GIF, or PNG file on your computer
Your Qualifications
Your Resume
Upload your resume, as a Word or PDF document.
Your resume will reviewed by our membership committee.
Approximate number of times you have been retained as an expert witness
Approximate number of times you have testified as an expert witness in a securities or commodities matter
Who Nominated You?
Name two current SER members who have agreed to nominate and second you for membership (candidates must contact nominators in advance and secure their approval)
Your Areas of Expertise
List your skills, so people can search for you on this site. Plese be sure to list all the skiils that you would want someone to find when searching for skills.

"Profit and Loss, Damage Calculations, Cost to Equity, Investment Analysis."

Characters allowed: 1000, Remaining:
Your Bio
Enter a short bio to be displayed in your profile. We will consider this information in evaluating your application for membership. For example, if you have been retained as an expert witness fewer than 20 times, your professional experience, skills, published text(s), or other qualifications will enhance your ability to contribute to the organization and will be considered during our review.
Press the ENTER key twice to start a new paragraph.

Characters allowed: 2000, Remaining:
Privacy Settings
Do you want this profile information publicly viewable?
Yes, the public can see my profile when using this website.
No, only SER members (who are logged in) can see my profile information. My profile will not appear in searches or in the home page "Meet our Experts" section.
Do you want to accept emails from other SER members?
Yes, SER members, administrators, and officers can send me email through this website.
No, I don't want email from other SER members, administrators, or officers.
Do you want your uploaded Resume file to be publicly viewable?
Yes, the public can see my resume when using this website, if I have uploaded one.
No, only the membership committee can see my resume.