MEMBER HIGHLIGHT - Member James A. Kyprios recently submitted his newly finished article titled "Effects of Inflation on the Capital Markets" to the SER Library. With a recap of the causes of inflation and past and current remedies, the author discusses the potential repercussions these events could have on the financial markets. In particular, the article addresses the effect of the higher interest rates on the "explosion of debt fueled by the long-term decrease in interest rates" over the past 40 years. The concern is these inflation taming policies could also lead to more litigation due to "higher defaults, more bankruptcies and decreasing profitability." Mr. Kyprios is an expert in corporate lending and corporate finance. He co-authored the article with Craig Wolson with input by member William H. Purcell. The article can be access here, and is also in SER Library under the Articles & Podcast section.
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