MEMBER HIGHLIGHT - SER members Alan Besnoff and GG Genco Dube were honored on July 26th at this year's Annual Member Meeting in Washington, D.C. Outgoing President Bob Graham presented each retiring Director with a plaque commemorating their years on the Board.
Alan Besnoff served two terms on the Board for seven years, from 2017-2024, and as President from 2022-2023. He chaired the 2022 Conference, as well as serving as Membership Chair for several years and as Nominating Chair this past year.
Visit Terrence's full profile here, or by clicking above.
Visit Richard's full profile here, or by clicking above.
Visit Jeff's full profile here
"At the Forefront: Fintech Conversations" podcast episode here
"Outsourced Trading: Streamlining Operations for Enhanced Performance" panel here
MEMBER HIGHLIGHT - SER member Jeffrey Estella contributed to a recent article in Traders Magazine entitled, "Trading Smarter With Algo Wheels", written by Anna Lyudvig. The article explores algo wheels in buy-side trading, detailing their evolution, benefits, and risks. Experts discuss their impact on bias removal, execution quality, and automation. It covers various types of algo wheels, their benefits, and future advancements, stressing the importance of data-driven decisions and unbiased implementation.
ROUNDTABLE NEWS - SER Member Colleen Diles moderated an informative webcast titled, "It's Not Just AML" on Anti-Money Laundering with members Ross Delston, David MacNair, and Catherine Mustico on April 18th. They covered a range of topics including AML pillars for broker-dealers and investment advisors, financial crimes, and the current regulatory environment. The session offered insights into the differences between BDs and IAs, and our expert's experiences working on customer, BD/IA, and regulatory matters.
Members can access this webcast and speaker materials in the Library section once they log in.
Visit William's full profile here, or by clicking above.
Visit Robert's full profile here, or by clicking above.
ROUNDTABLE NEWS - SER Past President Ross Tulman, and long-time members Jerry DeNigris and Jack Herrmann, hosted an interactive meeting for SER members on March 15th, titled "When & Why Does the Trier of Fact Hit the Off Switch?" Panelists shared their best practices while under oath. The focus was on gaining credibility consistently with panels, juries, and judges as well as other times, such as mediations, where an expert is not under oath. With hundreds of hours on the witness stand individually, each speaker agreed that the expert's obligation under oath is to the trier of fact. At the conclusion, SER member Roger M. Deitz, an experienced counsel, mediator, and arbitrator for over three decades, confirmed that credibility was key to a panel’s accepting expert testimony. He shared with members: "The amount of credibility an expert gains by answering questions, even when the answers may not be helpful to her or his client, is enormous and materially enhances the impact of all the testimony." For more SER member events, please check our calendar of Upcoming Events.
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