130/30, 401(k), Accounting Fraud, Aggressive Accounting, Appraisal Rights, Arbitrage, Asset Management, Bonds, Business Valuation, Damages, Defined Benefit Pension Plan, Derivatives, Due Diligence, Economic Losses, Equity Analyst, ETF, Fiduciary Duty, Financial Analysis, Financial Modeling, Fixed Income, Fraud, Fund of Hedge Funds, Hedge Funds, Hedging, Index Fund, Insider Trading, Intellectual Property, Internet, Investment Manager Monitoring, Investment Manager Selection, Investment Portfolio Management, Limited Partnership, Long/Short Equity, Lost Profits, Margin Calculation, Mergers and Acquisitions, Mutual Funds, Options, Passive Investing, Pension Plan, Ponzi Scheme, Portfolio Returns, Private Equity, Quantitative Investing, Risk, Securities, Securities Fraud, Securities Valuation, SMA, Short Selling, Standards of Conduct, Standards of Practice, Stock Fraud, Stock Options, Stocks, Suitability, Technology, Trustee, Valuation, Venture Capital, Warrants
(For search purposes, not intended to be a comprehensive list)
Marty Dirks  

Consultant and Expert Witness, Investment Strategy & Analysis
San Francisco, CA 94104

Work: 415-845-7829
130/30, 401(k), Accounting Fraud, Aggressive Accounting, Appraisal Rights, Arbitrage, Asset Management, Bonds, Business Valuation, Damages, Defined Benefit Pension Plan, Derivatives, Due Diligence, Economic Losses, Equity Analyst, ETF, Fiduciary Duty, Financial Analysis, Financial Modeling, Fixed Income, Fraud, Fund of Hedge Funds, Hedge Funds, Hedging, Index Fund, Insider Trading, Intellectual Property, Internet, Investment Manager Monitoring, Investment Manager Selection, Investment Portfolio Management, Limited Partnership, Long/Short Equity, Lost Profits, Margin Calculation, Mergers and Acquisitions, Mutual Funds, Options, Passive Investing, Pension Plan, Ponzi Scheme, Portfolio Returns, Private Equity, Quantitative Investing, Risk, Securities, Securities Fraud, Securities Valuation, SMA, Short Selling, Standards of Conduct, Standards of Practice, Stock Fraud, Stock Options, Stocks, Suitability, Technology, Trustee, Valuation, Venture Capital, Warrants
(For search purposes, not intended to be a comprehensive list)

Marty Dirks has more than twenty years of experience as an institutional investor.
He serves as a Board Member for the City of San José Retirement System, an Adjunct Professor of Finance at Golden Gate University in San Francisco and testifies as an expert witness in complex financial litigation.

Marty began his investment career after graduating from Harvard Business School by joining the business development group at Cooper Industries, a Fortune 100 industrial company. There he worked on the acquisition of private and public companies.

He transitioned to public stock investing as a long/short equity analyst/portfolio manager at Feshbach Brothers, Odyssey Partners, and Harvard’s endowment. At Harvard, he was the sole manager of a long/short technology equity portfolio that grew from $110 million to $870 million.

After leaving Harvard, Marty founded and managed a long/short equity hedge fund and consulted and testified on financial issues as an expert witness in complex financial litigation cases. As the Director of Research at McCullough & Associates, a boutique value equity manager, he managed the research process. As an investment consultant at Milliman, he advised pension plans, endowments and foundations on projects ranging from asset allocation and manager selection to being the sole investment advisor for several defined benefit and defined contribution pensions, endowments and foundations. He served as the Milliman in-house expert for hedge funds, private equity and other alternative investments.

Marty holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BS in Engineering Physics.

Curriculum Vitae

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